Jeonju High School: 두 판 사이의 차이

편집 요약 없음
9번째 줄: 9번째 줄:

===== School Emblem =====
===== School Emblem =====
노송[[파일:교포.jpg|섬네일|School Emblem]]
Old Pine Tree[[파일:교포.jpg|섬네일|School Emblem]]

69번째 줄: 69번째 줄:

===== School Tree =====
===== School Tree =====
Pine Tree
[[파일:노송(홈페이지).jpg|섬네일|Pine Tree (School Tree)]]
[[파일:노송(홈페이지).jpg|섬네일|Pine Tree (School Tree)]]

===== School Flower =====
===== School Flower =====
Plum Blossom
[[파일:매화.jpg|섬네일|Plum Blossom (School Flower)]]
[[파일:매화.jpg|섬네일|Plum Blossom (School Flower)]]

2024년 8월 11일 (일) 01:45 판

위 문서는 전주고등학교의 영문판 문서입니다.


Jeonju High School is a public general boys' high school located in Wansan-gu, Jeonbuk Special Autonomous Province, Jeonju.

The school has a long history and emphasizes its historical records and achievements to the current students.

Motto and Symbols

School Emblem

Old Pine Tree

School Emblem

"As Jeonju High is your everlasting pride, so should you be its pride."

    • Self-Strengthening (자강, 自彊):** A Jeonju High student is considerate of others and strict with himself.
    • Self-Discipline (자율, 自律):** A Jeonju High student possesses strong values and clear convictions.
    • Self-Reliance (자립, 自立):** A Jeonju High student is capable of protecting himself.
School Song[1]

백두와 금강과 태백과 지리

억만년 짙푸른 산둘레 같이

솟으리 솟으리 솟아오르리

뭉치고 다지어 높이 솟으리

오 전주고-등학교 구원한 신념

풍-운을 뚫고 일월더불어

신시적 받들은 우람한 광명

우리가 모시고 이어닦아서

골고루 뻗히리 두루뻗히리

방방곡곡에 뻗히어가리

오 전주고-등학교 구원한 신념

오 대양 육대주 세계 끝까지

School Song in Nosongwon Volume 1
School Song Confirmation Document
Duration: 1 minute and 2 seconds.
Jeonju High School Song
School Cheer

Prepare for the Jeonju High School cheer! Start!



전고 전고 전주고등!

입센 JO 가시고시 게시고

칼마시 게시고시 전주고등

칼마시 게시고시 전주고등, 야!

Duration: 26초.
Jeonju High School Cheer
School Tree

Pine Tree

Pine Tree (School Tree)
School Flower

Plum Blossom

Plum Blossom (School Flower)

School History

In 1917, a conference of provincial, city, and county representatives, as well as business leaders, was held in Jeonju. They decided to establish a private high school in Jeonju and submitted the plan to the central government, but it was delayed and eventually approved as a government school. This marked the inception of Jeonju High School. The school was initially founded to cultivate national spirit and potential for independence as part of the movement to regain national sovereignty. After liberation, the educational objective shifted to "nurturing sincere and capable individuals who contribute to national development by realizing their potential."

The school was established as 'Gwanrip Jeonju High School' with a four-year curriculum on March 31, 1919, and opened on June 16 of the same year. It was later renamed 'Jeonju Buk Middle School' in 1938. After liberation in 1946, the school was renamed 'Jeonbuk Public Middle School' and transitioned to a six-year system. In 1951, the six-year middle school system was abolished, and the school was split into 'Jeonju Buk Middle School' and 'Jeonju High School.' The main building was destroyed by fire in 1969, and a new building was constructed in 1970, which remains in use today.

On February 6, 2018, the 95th graduating class graduated, bringing the total number of graduates to 39,416.

Due to a lack of detailed records, the history presented here is compiled from various related sources.

  • 1917: Decision to establish a private high school in Jeonju.
    • The plan was submitted but postponed, and eventually approved as a government school.
  • March 31, 1919: Established as 'Gwanrip Jeonju High School.'
  • June 16, 1919: Official opening of 'Gwanrip Jeonju High School.'
  • 1920: Extended the curriculum to five years and recruited two classes with a total of 50 students.
  • March 22, 1923: The first graduation ceremony, with 26 graduates (Old Curriculum).
  • March 22, 1924: The first graduation ceremony, with 24 graduates (New Curriculum).
  • April 1924: Launched a strike against colonial education.
    • Demanded the abolition of discrimination between Korean and Japanese students and the removal of Japanese teachers.
  • April 1, 1925: Renamed 'Jeonju Public High School.'
  • June 1925: Another strike against colonial education.
  • July 1927: Expelled the Japanese principal from the school after demands were not met.
    • As a result, 77 students were expelled the following year.
  • 1929: Launched another strike against colonial education.
    • Four demands were made, including the initiation of Korean history classes.
  • 1938: Reorganized as 'Jeonju Buk Public Middle School.'
  • 1943: Many students were detained and arrested for suspected political disloyalty. Anti-Japanese teacher 'Roh Hwan' was imprisoned.
  • September 1, 1946: Opened Jeonbuk Public Middle School (six-year system).
  • September 1, 1951: Renamed 'Jeonju High School.'
    • The school was reorganized and separated from 'Jeonju Middle School' due to the change in the educational system.
  • 1952: Established the motto of 'Self-Strengthening (자강, 自彊)·Self-Discipline (자율, 自律)·Self-Reliance (자립, 自立).'
  • September 27, 1969: The entire school building was destroyed in a major fire.
    • The main building was rebuilt by the end of the year, and in 1971, the school was restructured into 36 classes with a swimming pool and other modern facilities.
  • June 16, 1970: 51st-anniversary celebration and opening of the new main building.
  • December 22, 1980: Completion of the auditorium.
  • 1991: Published '70 Years of Jeonju High and Buk Middle School.'
  • January 1995: Established the 'Jeonju High and Buk Middle School Alumni Association Scholarship Foundation.'
  • June 16, 1996: Completion of Ujeong Dormitory.
  • March 2, 1998: Completion of Ujeong Hall.
  • November 2000: Groundbreaking for the new main building.
  • December 2001: Completion of the new main building.
  • January 2004: Completion of the new rear building.
  • June 2006: Opening of the 90th-anniversary history museum.
  • March 29, 2018: Won the 55th Spring National High School Basketball Tournament.
  • June 15, 2019: 100th-anniversary celebration of Jeonju High and Buk Middle School.
  • October 28, 2020: Published '100 Years of Jeonju High and Buk Middle School.'
  • June 2024: Remodeling of Ujeong Hall.

School Life

Students must arrive by 8:20 AM.

The school operates a school bus service for commuting.

Regular classes consist of four morning periods, three afternoon periods, two supplementary periods, and two evening self-study periods. Each regular class lasts for 50 minutes, with a 10-minute break between periods.

Supplementary classes are continuous for third-year students, and two weeks before exams, classes are suspended, and self-study sessions are held at 노송서관.

Evening self-study sessions are mandatory for all students from grades 1 to 3, and are held at the 노송서관. Dormitory students also participate in morning self-study, with first and second-year students using the 노송서관 and third-year students using the 다음공간C실.

For first-year students, there may be free periods during the seventh period on Wednesdays or Fridays, but unlike other schools, there are no days where classes end after the sixth period.

For second and third-year students, as elective classes increase, students often have to move between classrooms, making the 10-minute break between periods feel short, especially for classes like 2학년 7반 and 8반, which require frequent movement between floors.

Major Events


Opening Ceremony, Graduation Ceremony

Entrance Ceremony, Club Interviews

Science Exploration Competition, First Midterm Exams

Sports Day

-16th (Anniversary Day)

Second Midterm Exams, Student Council Elections, Autonomous Curriculum Project (3


Start of Summer Vacation,

Opening Ceremony, Student Council Recruitment, Finalizing Records for 3rd-Year Students,

September< br> First Semester Exams



Second Semester Exams


  • Teacher-Led Clubs

- Clubs operated by teachers.

  • Student-Led Clubs

- Clubs operated by student leaders.

- Clubs with fewer than 10 members will be disbanded.

Club List
  • Natural Sciences

-> 파이[2], 사이[3], 미스트[4], 카탈리스트[5], ESC[6], FOS[7], CSSC[8], 이카로스[9], 시나브로[10], 센세이션[11], 야나아두[12], 브레인[13]

  • Humanities

-> 물아일체[14], 버무림, 아이엠[15], 에드모스[16], 안티[17], 노송원[18], 틴세이버[19]

  • Arts and Sports

-> 겟세마네[20], 덕유심[21], 인라이튼[22]

Dormitory (Ujeong Hall)

Selection is based on academic performance.

The dormitory is divided into two wings: Wing 1 houses 40 third-year students, 10 second-year students, and 10 first-year students, while Wing 2 accommodates 30 second-year students and 30 first-year students.

Dormitory students are required to participate in supplementary classes, evening self-study, and other school activities.

Unlike regular students, dormitory students must register for breakfast and must leave the dormitory by 7:20 AM after a morning roll call at 6:30 AM. Additionally, self-study sessions are held in the dormitory from 10:40 PM to 12:00 AM.

Additional Information


Only first-year students take a one-hour weekly Judo class in the 유도관 with the Judo instructor.

Due to COVID-19, the 100th to 102nd classes did not receive Judo training, which resumed with the 103rd class.

Google Classroom

For first-year students, Google Classroom may be unfamiliar at first. However, most assignments and announcements are communicated through Classroom. Since COVID-19 in 2020, it has become an essential part of school life at Jeonju High School.

Riro School

Starting in May 2024, the Riro School app will be used for dormitory and evening self-study attendance, and parents can easily check attendance and grades.

I am School

This app is used for online communication of school notices. It includes separate apps for students ('I am Student') and parents ('I am Parent'). Students can also use this app to sign up for dinner, view daily meal menus, and access important school notices.


This app is primarily used for English vocabulary tests. Students take a test that involves quickly choosing the correct answer from four options as part of a vocabulary memorization performance assessment.

School Network (Online) Grading System

This system is accessible only through the internal school network (Wi-Fi) and is used for grading after exams. Scores are uploaded here, and teachers complete the grading of written answers. After each exam, students are frequently reminded to finalize their scores. After each exam, students' DLS accounts are reset to their default passwords, so it's important to change the password to ensure privacy.

Jeonju High School Network Grading System (Accessible only within the school network)

Given the frequent use of smart devices for assignments and surveys, it might be challenging to manage school life without at least one device. Jeonju High School has allowed the use of smartphones during school hours for many years, and laptops provided through the 2024 educational device distribution program can also be freely carried in and out of school.

Jeonju High Nosong Global Experience

Starting in 2024, the Jeonju High and Buk Middle School North America Alumni Association will provide $25,000 annually for 10 years to fund a 10-day study tour in the United States. The first selected students—임현우, 김민제, 장영환, 김대현, 김영재, 이현빈, 안은호, 최승원, 정웅인, 정은성—visited prestigious universities on the East Coast, including Harvard, Yale, MIT, and Princeton.

‎Jeonju High School 100th Anniversary Future Talent Hall

KakaoMap - As of July 2024
Naver Map - As of July 2024

An unidentified building has appeared on portal maps between the 노송서관 and 우정학숙 Wing 1.

Old articles from the 전북일보[23] and architectural plans[24] confirm that actual construction is underway.

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  1. The first verse must be memorized as a performance evaluation in the first-year music class.
  2. Mathematics
  3. Psychology
  4. Chemistry, Biology
  5. Chemistry
  6. Physics, Engineering
  7. Physics, Engineering
  8. Physics, Chemistry
  9. Chemistry
  10. Chemistry
  11. Chemistry
  12. Computer Science
  13. Chemistry, Biology
  14. Entrepreneurship, Management
  15. Debate
  16. English
  17. Economics, Stocks
  18. School Magazine
  19. Child Rights
  20. Music
  21. Judo
  22. Film
  23. The day's events began with a wreath-laying ceremony at the school’s memorial tower, followed by the welcome ceremony for the Ultra and Short Marathon with 100 participants, the 100th-anniversary tree-planting and monument unveiling, and the explanation of the Future Talent Hall construction plan. Later, a commemorative concert was held at 3 PM at the Samsung Cultural Center of Jeonbuk National University. Source: